Famous Russian animator and cartoonist Oleg Kuvaev created a short 12-minutes film where his iconic character Masyanya addresses the occupational war of fascist Russia in Ukraine.
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?? Georgian Music Group Bravo Metehi Records a Song by Vakarchuk in support of Ukraine ??
ATM with Elon Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency spotted in Australia will be soon used in Odesa co-workings
? UK Government Announcement: Ukraine 2017–2018 Chevening Scholarships applications open
The British Embassy in Kyiv has officially announced that applications for Chevening Scholarships in Ukraine are now open and will close on 8 November 2016. Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarships programme. Established in 1983, these scholarships support study at UK universities—mostly one-year Masters’ degrees—for students with demonstrable potential to become future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers. The Scholarships not only offer financial support, but the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network that unites over 44,000 alumni around the world.